Dedicated to the preservation and use of pre 1976 british, european and american motorcycles

Committee 2023-24

President Roger Bourne Committee members

Ben Creemers

Bernie Kerr

Billy Worthington

Catherine Carlaw

Callum Bullard

Chris Nobbs

Cheryl Mickleson

Glyn Robinson

James McIntosh

Johan Heyneke

Ken McIntosh

Kevin Grey

Neville Bull

Neville Mickleson

Nick Worthington

Rob Creemers

Roger Bourne

Tony Sklenars

Vice President Ben Creemers
Immediate Past President Ken McGeady
Treasurer Cheryl Mickleson
Club Secretary Ben Creemers
Race Secretary Halie McElhiney, Ben Creemers
Website James McIntosh



The NZCMRR constitution governs the operation of the club and sets out the rights and obligations of members. To read the constitution click here.